
Thingy Ma Jig is the blog of Nicholas Thompson and contains any useful tips, sites and general blog-stuff which are considered interesting or handy!


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announcement 25 apache 3 Apple 1 bash 8 code 7 cool 30 Days Out 8 Dark Basic Pro 4 design 12 doctor who 1 Drupal 74 E4600 1 EOS 400D 3 firefox 2 Flickr 3 free 21 games 5 geek 38 git 2 GreaseMonkey 1 hardware 7 Homebrew 1 How to 37 humour 5 iphone 1 javascript 1 jquery 1 K800i 6 k850i 4 lighttpd 3 linux 33 mac 9 miscellaneous 4 mobile phone 9 music 4 mysql 8 n73 1 n95 1 New Relic 1 Ogre3D 1 OS X 2 performance 3 photos 10 programming 40 Quicksilver 1 review 19 security 3 SEO 6 software 12 svn 2 technology 4 tip 7 tips 10 tv 3 video 3 vim 7 webdev 2 websites 33 wii 1 windows 1 YADS 10


I'm a big fan of free stuff and this is a list of all my favourite stuff, from software to websites.

Free Christmas Wallpapers

30 November 2008
websites free design cool

As part of my RSS reading, Smashing Magazine is rapidly becoming something I look forward to reading. Every month they do a roundup of desktop wallpapers which include a calendar and are, in some way, seasonal. This month is no exception! They have a fantastic selection of christmassy wallpapers for you to chose from and they're all free!

My iPhone Theme

30 April 2008
mac iphone free design

I treated myself to a nice new iPhone last week and am LOVING it!

My phone is jailbroken and unlocked now (using PwnageTool). This means I can run all kinda of funky apps and games. I decided recently to design my own theme to make my phone feel more like "mine". Here are some screenshots. I'm working with a friend on how to release this theme along with some he has done too…

I'm getting a new k850i!

10 October 2007
mobile phone k850i free

I just got off the phone with the O2 Upgrades team. I suggested that I was interested in either the Nokia N95 OR the Sony Ericsson k850i. I was informed that neither the N95 or k850i could not be done for free on the budget/contract I was asking for so I asked to be put through to the retention team. After being on hold for a few minutes the call was retrieved from the abyss that was the call waiting queue and I got a good offer…

My first project using Ogre

20 May 2007
programming Ogre3D games free

With some help from a good friend, I took my first steps into game-making using C++ last night. I used a graphics engine called Ogre3D and tried to mimic a game I started making in Dark Basic Pro a few weeks ago. To my astonishment, within a few hours I'd managed to replicate the basic layout of the game using tools which cost absolutely nothing!

Social Statistics module released

11 May 2007
software free Drupal announcement

I've been working on it for a few days now, but its finally released. Social Statistics is being used on this site and can be found on any page on an enabled site in a block. It provides pluggable statistics for (currently) 3 major Social Networking websites;, Digg and Ma.gnolia. It currently boasts caching of statistics for a configurable amount of time, AHAH retrieval of statistics which are not cached (thus not slowing down page loads) and an API to make the project extendible to anybody who cares to add a Social Network to the mixture!

The core module consists, mostly, of a few menu callbacks and an API. This API allows the user to enable any number of enabled modules to add their contribution to the block. The 3 enabled sites all have an XML based API, but each does things slightly differently - hence my choice in using them as examples of the module as a whole.

You can find this module over in the Drupal Projects section.

Very cool illusion

23 April 2007
websites miscellaneous free cool

A friend sent me a link to one of those optical illusion thingies. I'm often very sceptical of them however upon inspection, this one seemed different and legitimate. I don't think its fake - but I equally don't understand why its screws with your eye's so much! Here are the instructions from the website…

ColorJack: Sphere Widget

07 March 2007
websites mac free design

ColorJack is a recently popularized Color Theory Application

They have a fantastic online system and an offline OSX Dashboard Widget. Basically, they have a whole load of settings which you chose from. You then drag one of the points around on the colour "sphere" (circle) and you are provided with a list of complimentary colours.

To try this out, get your browser over to the ColorJack Sphere where you can try it online.

Free K800i Wallpapers

21 February 2007
photos mobile phone K800i free

Browsing around the web this morning, I found a really cool site for getting Free mobile phone wallpapers.

This site has wallpapers for all kinda of phone makes and models, for example:

  • Sony Ericsson K800i
  • Nokia N70 Series, N80 Series & N90 Series
  • Motorola RAZR-V3
  • Samsung D500

There are literally tens of thousands of pages covering wallpaper styles from CGI to Celebrity

Pongis - a new game I made!

20 February 2007
software programming games free Dark Basic Pro cool announcement

I've just released a new game - its a VERY simple adaptation of the classic, pong, but it has a twist in the form of tennis. You must rally the ball back and forth - the ball gaining speed slightly on every return. Players win points (and serve) by knocking the ball past their opponent, either through a cunning move or by making them lose out in a game of reactions.

Checkout the game here - Pongis - Where Pong Meets Tennis

1000 Damn good icons!

17 January 2007
websites review free design cool

I have a never ending quest to find good free stuff. Finding free stuff is easy - its the GOOD bit that stumps me…

Often I dont even mind paying for something if its quality, but obviously free is better!

Quality Icons are something I am always on the lookout for and I have been a member of Icon Buffet for a long time now — I'm a big fan of the free deliveries — and, although I've purchased a few packs (Oslo, Oslo Buzz and Soho), they are very expensive for a "bedroom programmer" such as myself.

Cloggy's D3D Plugin

14 January 2007
programming games free Dark Basic Pro cool

I just found this plugin (again) on The Games Creators Forum. Basically it adds new features to Dark Basic Pro. I'd used an older version of it but this one seems to have plenty more! Hopefully I'll put the project I'm using it for up soon - a resource management game

20 free windows applications

02 October 2006
cool free software

Over 20 free windows applications under 2mb, courteously of revision3 forum member, lordfoul. Definately a list to look into. Applications range from miscellaneous software, command utilities, system performance tools, and more.